Patch 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 Release Notes
Added a new Death cinematic for when players lose the game.
Patch 2.0.1 Release Notes
This patch contains a massive content update as well as a variety of updates and fixes.
We are curious to see if players will be able finish the new, and very hard side-quest “Shadow Key”. Please surprise us.
New Content:
Added Mini-Arbiters side quest
Added Shadow key side quest
Added several new horror moments/events
New Languages:
In addition to English, now the game also supports:
New Features:
Added the ability to read documents.
Added contextual comments to objects when upon inspection.
Quality of Life improvements:
New tutorial screen before comencing the game with pictures to make the games rules clearer to first time players.
Added Languages selection when the game boots for the first time.
New added Settings:
Video Settings Additions:
Added vsync
Added Fullscreen, Windowed, and Fullscreen Windowed modes
Other Settings Additions:
Added Language selection menu.
Accessibility Settings Additions:
Option to increase the size of the reticle to large.
Option to Disable headbobbing.
Steam Account Additions:
Added achievements for Mini-Arbiters side quest, Shadow key side quest, and for finishing the demo.
Bug Fixes:
Mouse Losing Focus when going in and out of Pause Menu
Happy rituals!